Natural Mystic

Natural mystic blowing through the air
Dimensions (in cm)
360.00 Liter
JBL 1502 and Eheim 2217
8.00 hours
Other Contests


Submitted by Juan Puchades on Sun, 10/15/2023 - 10:13

An aquarium with a strong initial impact. I can observe the author's desire to create an intimidating and striking setting. I am aware that this work has been highly valued but I would like to mention a series of tips to get the best from this author in the coming years.
1) The general structure is brilliant in layout and proportion, but the general trunk breaks with the curved pattern of the rest by being very vertical.
2) The execution of the falling branches is interesting, but a better detail of adaptation of the roots to the rock must be achieved, in a more natural way.
3) All efforts must be made at the vanishing point since we take the viewer to that region. The execution technique of the last branches can be greatly improved.
4) The plantation presents a degree of immaturity. This montage with 6 more weeks of evolution would be more rounded.

Submitted by Dave Chow on Mon, 10/16/2023 - 07:37

Forest layout are always dark, but this layout make me feel bright and comfortable.

Submitted by George Farmer on Mon, 10/16/2023 - 17:52

Brilliant hardscape. I'd like to have seen some darker green planting with more moss on the wood to create a more natural appearance

Submitted by Dennis Wong on Wed, 10/18/2023 - 06:25

I like the wood work in the aquascape, the rhythm between the different pieces work well. The planting is slightly sparse though. Still, a well done aquascape overall.